Do you have a dilapidated automatic garage door opener that you’re looking to revive? Are you looking for a company selling spares or parts for your opener or even searching for a company that will carry out the repairs on your opener? Truthfully, if your opener has passed its warranty date, you’re probably out of luck. Unless the spare part is from a popular manufacturer or is a part that is known to regularly break, you won’t find too many companies stocking the part you’re looking for. “Why?”, I hear you ask. Consider the cost implications of an individual spending hours attempting to fix a garage door opener. Good, quality engineers are not cheap. Then there is the cost of the spare parts themselves. Other than the bare-bones frame, electric openers are comprised of complicated circuit boards. Fixing a broken circuit often means replacing the entire circuit board. Taking these costs into consideration (with the chance that the same problem or even ANOTHER problem might rear its head), it is often best purchasing a new opener with a warranty. It will likely save you cost, time, and hassle.